ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Beitragvon Heki » Mi 13. Mai 2015, 09:05


hier malein Titel der in unserer Gemeinschaft sicherlicgh gut ankommen wird und es gibt eine "Early Access" ;)

ARK: Survival Evolved

As a man or woman stranded naked, freezing & starving on a mysterious island, you must hunt, harvest, craft items, grow crops, & build shelters to survive. Use skill and cunning to kill or tame & ride the Dinosaurs & primeval creatures roaming the land, & team up with hundreds of players or play locally!

Was die Entwickler zu sagen haben:
Wozu Early Access?
“ARK is a huge game, in terms of geographical space, scope of content, features, technology, and just about every other metric. We're a veteran team with some major hits behind our leads, and much of the core challenge is already met, but this is still an ambitious one for us. We want the player community's help to 'evolve' ARK into the dinosaur world game that we've been dreaming about since the days we played with plastic green T-Rex toys during elementary school recess, since we shed a tear to 'The Land Before Time', since we wistfully imagined the towering cities of 'Dinotopia', and since we nearly choked on our popcorn to the thrills of 'Jurassic Park'. We love games, and holy smokes do we ever love dinos (along with all sorts of other extinct creatures/natural sciences), and through interaction and iteration with the ARK's community, we think we have the best shot at creating the be-all, end-all long-term prehistoric universe that we want to live and thrive in. We have a great start, and with your valued input and contributions, we will take it all the way together!”
Wie lange wird dieses Spiel ungefähr den Early Access-Status haben?
“Approximately 1 year, with a full release planned for June 2016 coinciding with the console versions.”
Wie soll sich die Vollversion von der Early Access-Version unterscheiden?
“While we have the foundation of our game at Early Access launch, there are many currently-planned features and content additions we will be adding over the year from EA to full release. Beyond such planned features, will be adding TONS of aspects suggested or iterated on by the community, hence the point of Early Access!

Planned Core Features include, among many other things:

- Mac and Linux versions
- Procedurally Generated ARK's
- 40+ more creatures to reach over 70, with essentially every major category of extinct animal represented in some way
- More saddle types including saddle armor tiers and saddles with powerful weapons mounted on them
- Gas-powered Vehicles
- Human/Dino Body-Paints
- Enhanced building mechanics to evolve ARK into one of the best straight-up builder games out there
- More underwater biome/ecosystem complexity, including support for vacuum-sealed underwater bases
- Lots more items, weapons, armors and further advanced tech tiers
- More item skins, limited run event skins
- More bosses and the end-game cycle including the Ultimate Life Form & Ascension
- More biome types, including deserts, snow regions, swamps, and more.
- Steam Economy Support for Statistical Items (Need some Steam API functionality for this from Valve!)
- Way more plants and more detailed plant biology systems/farming systems
- More statistical modelling of status illnesses/diseases (both player and creature)
- Better SFX, more Music, Better UI's, Better Gamepad support (i.e. UI button shortcut callouts), Better VR support (i.e. HMD gun-aim option)

In addition to zillions of bug fixes, intensive performance improvements, mega iterative polishing, and what have you. The game will sparkle like a shiny diamond before it is considered ready for Full Release, and even then we plan on a long-term post-Release content lifecycle, with specialized ARK's on the drawing board.”
Was ist der derzeitige Stand der Early Access-Version?
“Everything described on the full Features List is in the Early Access version right now -- not all 100% polished, but designed to be fun. Over the next year, the game will be rapidly iterated on with updates usually coming 3 times per week, almost always including new features, balance and polish improvements, and bug fixes. We are extremely fast at development, and will continue to push forward with maximum energy to make the game ever-greater on a daily basis. We live and breath game development, this is what we do.”
Wird dieses Spiel während und nach Early Access unterschiedlich viel kosten?
“Yes, the game will be lower priced through Early Access, relative to its final full-version retail price.”
Wie werden Sie versuchen, die Community in den Entwicklungsprozess mit einzubeziehen?
“We will have a Trello roadmap at Early Access launch, as well as massive & intense Forum interaction by the development team to gather ideas, feedback, and issues, along with a bi-weekly Q&A / Reddit AMA to involve everyone under the sun who wants to give us their 2 cents on how to make this game everything it can be! Essentially we view ARK's Early Access player community as our primary benefactors -- we're making this game to serve you. Join us on the ARK :)

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Registriert: Mo 3. Sep 2012, 08:49

Re: ARK: Survival Evolved

Beitragvon Cobra » Mi 13. Mai 2015, 16:00

Also grafisch sieht das schon sehr nice aus !
Werde das Game auf jedenfall mal im Auge behalten !

Aber wir müssen ja erst Los Santos unterwerfen :cool:

Gruß Klaus

Siedlung Breeland, Fassnaden, Lange Strasse 6
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Re: ARK: Survival Evolved

Beitragvon Beloki » Mo 18. Mai 2015, 14:19

Die Dinos find ich toll :) Jetzt kommts raus, wie die Dinos ausgerottet wurden...

Mfg Belo
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Re: ARK: Survival Evolved

Beitragvon Rondoban » Di 2. Jun 2015, 11:59

Hui, hab nach Ewigkeiten mal wieder ins Forum geschaut!
Wie geht es euch allen so?

Das Spiel hab ich schonmal zu meiner Wunschliste hinzugefügt. Schaut wirklich gut aus. Wie so viele Early Access Spiele :rolleyes:

Ach und es gibt ne Widerstand Los Santos Crew? Wo muss ich unterschreiben? :grinsenx:
Ganz zu schweigen, dass ich Mittelerde mal wieder besuchen will. Scheiß Real Life!!!


"Es wird niemals so viel gelogen wie vor der Wahl, während des Krieges und nach der Jagd."

Reichskanzler Otto Fürst von Bismarck
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Re: ARK: Survival Evolved

Beitragvon Heki » Di 2. Jun 2015, 14:42

SCHILLLLDEEE HOCH ... mein Lieber Rondoban schön mal wieder von Dir zu hören!

Fillipina und ich verbringen unsere Onlinzeiten immernoch und ausschließlich in ArcheAge. Einfach nur großartig das Spiel. Aber Du sagts es ... WER HAT AN DER UHR GEDREHT ...
Offizier des Widerstands
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Registriert: Mo 3. Sep 2012, 08:49

Re: ARK: Survival Evolved

Beitragvon Cobra » Di 2. Jun 2015, 17:05

Rondoban hat geschrieben:Ach und es gibt ne Widerstand Los Santos Crew? Wo muss ich unterschreiben?

Hi Rondo, schau mal hier rein:

Wir spielen die PC-Version !
Gruß Klaus

Siedlung Breeland, Fassnaden, Lange Strasse 6
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Registriert: Mo 3. Sep 2012, 19:41
Wohnort: PC, XBox One und PS4

Re: ARK: Survival Evolved

Beitragvon Cobra » Do 4. Jun 2015, 12:03

Das Game ist nun verfügbar und hat eine unterirdische Performence, sowohl das Game selbst als auch die Server !

Eindrücke von Grokh und Beam:

Gruß Klaus

Siedlung Breeland, Fassnaden, Lange Strasse 6
Offizier des Widerstands
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Registriert: Mo 3. Sep 2012, 19:41
Wohnort: PC, XBox One und PS4

Re: ARK: Survival Evolved

Beitragvon Beloki » Mo 8. Jun 2015, 13:58

Ich hab mir viele Videos angeguckt, mir gefällts. Ich denke mal das mit der Performance werden die hoffentlich noch hinbekommen. wobei bei Beam sahs schon besser aus...

Ich glaub ich kauf mir das einfach mal :)

Mfg Belo
Offizier des Widerstands
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Registriert: Mo 24. Sep 2012, 01:26
Wohnort: Heusweiler/Saarland

Re: ARK: Survival Evolved

Beitragvon YogiOne » Di 14. Jul 2015, 09:09

Wir haben für ARK mal ein kleines Unterforum erstellt. Danke, Kalke.
LG Yogi

Alle sagten: DAS geht nicht!
Dann kam einer, der wußte das nicht und hat´s einfach gemacht!
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