Survivor Squad

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Survivor Squad

Beitragvon Heki » Do 16. Mai 2013, 08:37


seit 2 Tagen ist dasSurvivor Squad endlich auf dem Markt.

Preis: 8,99$ knapp 7 Euro

Leider keine Multiplayer Option.

Hier noch der Trailer

und ein Gameplay Video


Hier mal die Beschreibung von den Herstellern

Survivor Squad is a Strategy Action game where you control a Squad of up to four survivors and guide them through a highly randomized world looking for supplies to aid you on your journey.

Scavenge for supplies in every corner of every building, craft your gear, pick your skills and loadout while keeping your Squad alive by covering every corner and moving as a group.

It is a game that encourages quick thinking and fast paced play since you need to pay attention to all of your squad mates. If you leave someone behind, chances are they will be pounced on and die. Move as a Squad and cover every corner.
Top down 2D Strategy Action
Use Melee weapons to take down enemies silently or go guns blazing
Scavenge buildings for materials to craft your gear
Equip Gadgets to assist you in combat
Highly randomized world providing infinite possibilities
Capture Infected buildings and defend them from the horde
Several types of Special Infected that must be dealt with quickly
Rename your Survivors to have a more intense personal experience
Three game modes: Campaign, Survival and Death Lab.
Control your Squad with the mouse carefully planning where each Survivor goes to and where to look. The Survivors have a limited view range so it is vital to ensure you are looking where the infected will most likely come from.

Certain events require you to move around a building while fighting off a horde, you must keep a close eye on your squad or they will perish one by one.

Various types of Special Infected have abilities such as Blinding Powder or Acid Pool that encourage you to quickly move your Survivors while making sure they are never alone

In campaign mode you can capture infected buildings that generate resources but must be defended from horde invasions
Play through a highly randomized world following a simple storyline with unique events and a conclusion.

Score based mode, go through as many randomly generated buildings as you can never looking back.

Death Lab:
Equip your Survivor Squad with a limited budget and take them through a collapsed Lab. Good micro management of your Squad is essential to your survival.
Developer Message:
Howdy, my name is Hugo Cardoso and I'm the developer behind Survivor Squad, this is my first commercial PC title after developing several successful Flash Games. I hope you like what you see. If you have any questions post them in the Greenlight comments and I'll do my best to answer them.
Cheers and thank you for reading :)

Es gibt auch eine SteamGreenLight Seite dazu

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